First Church of Christ, Scientist
Monterey, California

We are happy that you are here. Whether you are searching for information about Christian Science or wanting to know about our services, we are here to offer loving help.
Our Mission
This Christian Science Church is one of the worldwide branches of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts, founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879. The Christian Science Church is “…designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.” (Manual of The Mother Church by Mrs. Eddy. P. 17.)
Sunday School
Our Sunday School is provided for students up to the age of 20. Instruction, which includes the teachings and healings of Christ Jesus, is from the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. Students are taught of God’s love for them and of the relevance of Jesus’ teachings to their lives.
Sunday Church services and
Sunday School sessions begin at 10:00 am and are held at
780 Abrego Street in Monterey.
Wednesday evening testimony meetings begin at 7:00 pm and are in-person and conducted online.
You are welcome to attend our Sunday 10 am Church Services and our 10 am Sunday School Classes held in the church edifice at 780 Abrego Street in Monterey.
Our Wednesday 7:00 pm Testimony Meetings are held at the church in-person and is also available by telephone or online. To access those meetings by telephone, dial 1-831-296-3513 and follow the prompts. To connect by computer, open this link using a Google Chrome browser: www.uberconference.com/room/churchservice. Then select "Join Conference”.
Enjoy singing along during our Wednesday church service with the hymn selections posted below.
Reading Room & Bookstore— Two locations to serve you
March 24-30, 2025
Golden Text: Jeremiah 29:11 I know
…I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
The Golden Text is from the New King James Version®

Both of our Reading Rooms at 780 Abrego St. and 198 Bonifacio Place are open for in-person visits.
Please come and stop by. We hope to see you soon.
Church Prayer Group
Our next Prayer Committee Meeting will convene on Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 2:15 p.m. in the Boardroom of our Church.
The prayer topic this month is:
The coincidence of the divine with the human.”
Everyone is welcome to attend.
In-Person lecture
Finding trust in a changing world
Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 2:00 PM PT
by Lesley Pitts
Location: Church
225 Downey Ave.
Modesto, California
For more information:

Reading Room
The Reading Room and Bookstore in the church edifice at 780 Abrego, Monterey.

Reading Room
The Reading Room and Bookstore at 198 Bonifacio Place in Downtown Monterey.
Our Reading Room offers a quiet sanctuary to the community for study and prayer. It also serves as a bookstore, lending library, and information center for those wishing to learn more about Christian Science.
Available resources include The Christian Science Monitor, a timely international news magazine; monthly and weekly religious magazines; CDs of inspirational articles and music; biographies of Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science; many study resources including Bible dictionaries, concordances, and translations; and a computer for related research purposes.
There are 2 locations to serve you:
198 Bonifacio Place, Downtown Monterey
780 Abrego Street, Monterey
Downtown Reading Room
Hours (Reading Room–198 Bonifacio Place, Monterey):
Mon–Fri 11am–3pm
Sat 11 am–3pm
Hours (Reading Room–780 Abrego St., Monterey):
Mon–Fri 11am–3pm
Closed on weekends
Phone Number:
Tel: 831-372-5076 (198 Bonifacio Place)
Tel: 831-920-2300 (780 Abrego Street)
Fax: 831-324-4708

You’re warmly invited to attend free, public talks by practitioners of Christian Science via webinars. Click the link below to view upcoming calendar of online lectures:
Find a lecture
To find online Christian Science church services in other areas, please go to this link:
Christian Science churches

Websites to more information on Christian Science
Christian Science Nursing Facilities in Central California:
Visiting Christian Science Nursing Service free of charge in the Monterey Bay Area:
Please contact Visiting Christian Science NurseAicha Langel in advance to make an appointment or to ask any questions at 415-740-0460; or email ALangel@ardenwood.org

The Visiting Christian Science Nurse from
Arden Wood will be in our area on Wednesday,
March 12, 2025.
Please contact Aicha Langel if you need assistance.
Director of Visiting Christian Science Nursing Service, Arden Wood, Inc. 415-740-0460

If you would like to make a donation to the church, click on the button below:
Hymn selection ~ Wednesday, March 19
Hymn 7
(Words by Bertha H. Woods)
Abide with me; fast breaks the morning light;
Our daystar rises, banishing all night;
Thou art our strength, O Truth that
maketh free,
We would unfailingly abide in Thee.
I know no fear, with Thee at hand to bless,
Sin hath no power and life no wretchedness;
Health, hope and love in all around I see
For those who trustingly abide in Thee.
I know Thy presence every passing hour,
I know Thy peace, for Thou alone art power;
O Love divine, abiding constantly,
I need not plead, Thou dost abide with me.
Hymn 53
(Words by John R. MacDuff)
Everlasting arms of Love
Are beneath, around, above;
God it is who bears us on,
His the arm we lean upon.
He our ever-present guide
Faithful is, whate’er betide;
Gladly then we journey on,
With His arm to lean upon.
From earth’s fears and vain alarms
Safe in His encircling arms,
He will keep us all the way,
God, our refuge, strength and stay.
Hymn 472
(Words by Violet Hay)
Father, You are very near us,
Well we know that You will hear us,
And will answer when we call:
May the prayer of faith now heal us,
May the vision true reveal us
One with You, and You our All-in-all.
Christ, the way of our salvation,
Lifts the veil of separation,
Shows our life in Spirit, free—
Shows the glory of creation,
God and man in true relation:
Children of the living God are we!
Father, this most wondrous union
We would prove in blessed communion:
Take the Truth, our bread from heaven,
Drink the wine of inspiration,
Rise in holy exaltation,
One in You, redeemed, restored, forgiven.