First Church of Christ, Scientist
Monterey, California
“Pilgrim on earth, thy home is heaven; stranger, thou art the guest of God.”—Mary Baker Eddy
Welcome to our healing service.
Sunday Service
10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
The Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy, serve as our Pastor. The sermon consists of selections from these two books that have been studied during the preceding week by Christian Scientists worldwide. The weekly Bible Lessons are published in the Christian Science Quarterly. The services are conducted by two Readers elected by and from the church membership. Music before and after the service is included, along with the joyful singing of hymns and a solo selection.
Sunday School
10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m.
Our Sunday School is provided for students up to the age of 20. Instruction, which includes the teachings and healings of Christ Jesus, is from the Bible and the writings of Mary Baker Eddy. Students are taught of God’s love for them and of the relevance of Jesus’ teachings to their lives.
Directions to join church services via uberconference using the telephone:
Call the telephone number 831-296-3513.
Once called in, you will hear the following: "Joining conference now"
You will the need to mute yourself on your telephone device; the organizer will also mute you.
Please note: During Sunday services, there is no need to unmute yourself. You will be muted the entire Sunday service.
For privacy and courtesy of others, please do not unmute yourself except on Wednesday night when giving a testimony. Press the star key twice on your telephone device [**] to unmute yourself and give a testimony.
After finishing your testimony, please mute yourself on your personal telephone device. In addition, the organizer will re-mute you.
At the close of Sunday services and Wednesday meetings, please hang up.
Directions to join church services via uberconference using a computer online server: Will only work with Google Chrome browser.
To join into the service, go to the website
There will be a screen that says "welcome to churchservice's conference.
Type in your name in the box provided.
Once you are into the conference, you will see a box that says "organizer church service First Church of Christ".
In order to hear the service, go to the top of the screen and click on "MY COMPUTER".
You will now be able to hear the service.
Mute yourself by scrolling your mouse over your profile box and click the microphone icon with the slash through it.
The organizer will make sure you are muted, to unmute yourself at an appropriate time to give a testimony, scroll over your profile, and click on the microphone icon.
Please note: During Sunday services, there is no need to unmute yourself. You will be muted the entire Sunday service.
At the end of service, hang up by pressing the "end" icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.
There will be a pop-up box that will say the following: "Are you sure you want to hang up?" Press the "HANG UP AND LEAVE ROOM" option.
Wednesday Testimony Meeting
7:30 p.m.–8:30 p.m.
The one-hour Wednesday evening meeting begins with topical readings from the Bible and the Christian Science textbook. The readings are followed by the sharing of experiences, gratitude for healing, and remarks on Christian Science by individuals in the congregation who choose to speak.
Free Taxi Service
Open to all persons, Church Members, Friends of the Church, and visitors who are in need of a taxi ride from and back to their residence.
Free Taxi Service may be used to visit our Christian Science Reading Room, rides to and from our Sunday Services and Wednesday Evening Gratitude meetings.
The Free Taxi Service Rides are available to attend any of our Christian Science Lectures, Metaphysical Meetings, and Membership Meetings.
The Free Taxi Service is to be used only as described above. It is NOT to be used for personal appointments, grocery shopping, visiting family or friends.
The Free Taxi Service is available to and from the cities of Monterey, Pacific Grove, Seaside and Marina.
Call ahead one hour before needing a Taxi Ride.
There is no out-of-pocket expense. Please only call the Christian Science Reading Room at 831-372-5076. Do NOT call Yellow Cab Company. We will make the reservation for you. Please be prepared to give us your Name, Address, Phone number and destination.